Python Libraries that Developer should know:

Python Libraries that
Developer should know:

1. NumPy:

  • Array handling & math functions
    numpy.array(), numpy.mean(),

2. Pandas:

  • Data manipulation & analysis
    pandas.DataFrame(), pandas.read_csv(), groupby()

3. Matplotlib:

  • Data visualization

4. Seaborn:

  • Statistical visualizations
    seaborn.heatmap(), pairplotO. boxplot()

5. Scikit-learn:

  • Machine learnin models
    train_test_split(), LinearRegression(). accuracy_score()

6. TensorFlow:

  • Deep learning models
    Sequential(), Dense(), compile()

7. Keras:

  • High-level deep learning API
    Sequential(). Conv2D(), fit()

8. SciPy:

  • Scientific computations
    minimize(), quad(), norm()

9. Plotly:

  • Interactive plots
    scatter(), line(), Figure()

10. Statsmodels:

  • Statistical modeling
    OLS(), ARIMA(), Logit()